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Recensione : Adventure With The Saint Episode N°27 The Desperate Diplomat

Adventure With The Saint Episode N°27 The Desperate Diplomat

Adventure with the Saint Episode n°27

The desperate diplomat

1) Archie and the Bunkers – Laura (Songs From The Lodge,2018)
2) Red Lines – Tomorrow (Paisley,2018)
3) The Devils – Red Grave (Iron Butt,2017)
4) Il Senato – Giorno Senza Amore (S/t 7″,2018)
5) The Loons – Blue Ether (S/t 7″,2018)
6) The Kinn-Ocks – Seitan’s Whores (S/t,2017)
7) Kaptain Preemo – I’m Gonna Save You Bobby (S/t,2017)
8) Cut – Sweet Words (A Different Beat 2006, ristampa 2018)
9) The Boogie Spiders – Yes We Have Faith (People and other monsters,2017)
10) The Senior Service – Slingshot (King Kobra,2018)
11) The Cavemen – Crimes Tonight (S/t,2015)
12) The Smoking Bones – Ladies First (Authorize Yourself,2018)
13) The Sick Rose – Milk And Honey (Someplace Better,2018)
14) King Mastino – I Don’t Wanna Die (Medusa,2017)
15) Faz Waltz – Oh Penny (Double Decker,2018)
16) Muddy Worries – The Rent (S/t 7″,2017)
17) The Scrubs – Why Do You Hate Me So Much (Skulls And Dolls,2018)
18) Babyscreamers – Meet You (Un Puor Le Garcon Un Pour La Fille 7″,2018)
19) South Sardinian Scum – Devil Shoes (S/t,2016)
20) New Candys – Excess (Bleeding Magenta,2017)
21) The Amazing One Man Band – My Flying Saucer Man (AA.VV. – Invasione Monobanda Vol.2, 2018)
22) Wild Evil and the Trashbones – Telling Lies (Digging My Grave,2017)

Altre puntate di Adventure with the Saint

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Episodio 25
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