Webzine dal 1999

The Saint and AKNF (All Killers No Fillers) present: The Adventure with the Saint episode n°42

A great Episode with: The Bare Facts, The A-Bones, Johanna Went, The Ponys, R.L. Burnside, The Outcasts, The Unrelated Segments, Subhumans, Doc Flippers, The Dirtbombs, The Glass Sun,Gaunt,Sound of the Seventh Son, Fireworks, The Meanies, The Neckbones

The Saint and AKNF (All Killers No Fillers) present: The Adventure with the Saint episode n°42

The Fellow traveller

1) The Bare Facts – Georgiana (AA.VV. – Sixties Archives vol.5 U.S. Punks from the 60’s, 1991)
2) The A-Bones – Darlene (I Was a Teenage Mummy, 1992)
3) Johanna Went – Mosquito (Club Years, 2007)
4) The Ponys – Chemical Imbalance (Laced with Romance, 2003)
5) R.L. Burnside – Snake Drive (Mr. Wizard, 1997)
6) The Outcasts – I’m in Pittsburgh (and it’s raining) (VV.AA. – Texas Flashback vol.2, 1997)
7) The Unrelated Segments – Where You Gonna Go? (VV.AA. – Nuggets vol.6, 1985)
8) Subhumans – No (The day and country Died, 1983)
9) Doc Flippers – Human Pork (S/t, 2022)
10) The Dirtbombs – Don’t Break My Heart (Dangerous Magical Noise, 2003)
11) The Glass Sun – I Can See the Light (Cyclonic Review, 2018)
12) Gaunt – Weekend (I Can See Your Mom From Here, 1995)
13) Sound of the Seventh Son – I Told a Lie (VV.AA. – Wyld Sydes vol.4, 2006)
14) Fireworks – Watcha Want (Set the World on Fire, 1994)
15) The Meanies – Scum (Televolution, 1993)
16) The Neckbones – Crack Whore Blues (Souls on Fire, 1997)

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