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Adventure With The Saint Episode N 23 – Simon And Delilah

Adventure With The Saint Episode N 23 - Simon And Delilah: Adventure With The Saint Episode n° 23 - Simon and Delilah Without Lady Barracuda can be no adventure for the Saint. We...

Adventure With The Saint Episode n° 23 – Simon and Delilah
Without Lady Barracuda can be no adventure for the Saint. Welcome back young partner without you the adventure are less compelling!

1) DM3 – Quicksand ( Rippled Soul,1998)
2) The Barsexuals – Down South Boogie (Black brown and white,2016)
3) The Mads – On The Bus (S/t 7″,2016)
4) Sonic Dolls – 40 Degrees Love Sickness (Riot At The Sheep Dog trails,2002)
5) Protex – I Wonder Why (S7t 7″,2016)
6) Dee Rangers – Won’t Be Back Again (Pretty Ugly Beat,2003)
7) The Gentlemens – Get On (Hobo Fi,2016)
8) The Kaams – Don’t Forget My Name (S/t 7″,2016)
9) Retarded – Let’s Keep Goin’the Show (S/t,1999)
10) The Mobbs – Grub Before Punch (Piffle,2016)
11) Archie and the Bunchers – Fuzz Face (7″ split Archie and the Bunchers/Powersolo,2016)
12) Kaviar Special – Starving (#2,2016)
13) Blood ’77 – Pescopagano (Jagerbomber 7″,2016)
14) Gli Avvoltoi – Brucia (Confessioni di un Povero Imbecille,2016)
15) The Caveman – Too High To Die (S/t 7″,2016)
16) The Barbacans – Price Of love (A Monstrous Self-Portrait,2016)
17) Le Carogne – Primo Della Lista (Triodo,2016)
18) Tj and the Lipstix – Jukebox Queen (S/t 7″,2016)
19) The Devils – Misery (Sin, You Sinners,2016)
20) King Salami and the Cumberland 3 – Tiger in my Tank (S/t 7″,2016)
21) The Bone Machine – Un Altro Sorso di Veleno (Sotto Questo Cielo nero,2016)


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